String Theory

An article highlighting the two important string types in Rust.
{ Word Count: 1183 words | Reading Time: 6 minutes }
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markdown-html-rs - Converting Markdown Content to HTML

Highlighting markdown-to-html, a Rust CLI program which helps you convert markdown content to HTML.
{ Word Count: 451 words | Reading Time: 3 minutes }
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nf - An Empty File Maker

Highlighting nf, a Rust program which makes an empty, new file.
{ Word Count: 185 words | Reading Time: 1 minute }
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Jeff Mitchell Dev - Re-Re-Loaded

Some thoughts from the author regarding this latest iteration of this blog.
{ Word Count: 381 words | Reading Time: 2 minutes }
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The Mighty Vector

An article introducing the vector collection type in Rust.
{ Word Count: 1023 words | Reading Time: 6 minutes }
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