mostly mis-adventures with programming languages...mostly...

Blog Posts

This Week in Rust


Hi everyone, it's Thursday, which means it's time for This Week in Rust, which went live yesterday.

I've only skimmed this weeks issue. One thing that stood out to me was Scientific Computing in Rust #2. I always nurse the desire to write some piece of computational fluid dynamics software using Rust, but for the moment that goal is out of reach...because skill issues. :)

My Week in Rust

What have I been working on this week?

Per usual, I drift. I started out the week all fired up about my own static site generator in Rust. Needless to say I didn't get far. I have some frustrations with Zola (this platform), and to work through those am working on another version of this blog that will not involve a pre-made theme, but the going is slow there. I'm unfortunately impatient , which often impacts my ability to truly learn. Always on my mind is building something I understand and document from the ground up, because frequently I just can't get into the minds and documentation of others.

A few weeks ago I embarked on a redo of my office intranet site using the Yew web framework for Rust. I discovered Yew back in 2022 and have always found it approachable and "React" like, in terms of how to structure a web site with routes, views and components. Some aspects of Yew, such as handling form input, and enabling interactivity, have troubled me and I was unable to make progress.

Until last week...

A long time ago, when Google searching about Yew and how to do things, I discovered The Workfall Blog. In particular, this article about form handling kind of filled in some missing pieces I couldn't glean from the Yew documentation.

Over the past few days, I practiced in my own intranet site project and am pleased to say that I finally understand how to handle form input. I intend on writing up my own version of that Workfall blog article, to demonstrate my understanding and maybe help out others by creating something more up to date.

Upcoming Articles

I remembered I started a piece about serving the web with Rocket. I'll finish that this coming weekend and get it posted. I also have a piece in the oven about error handling. I want to work a small example and give you my thoughts on Rust error handling. Aiming for early next week on both of those.

That's it for this week everyone, thanks for reading!