The Utter Frustration That is CSS: The Morning After
It is the day after yesterday's mini CSS induced meltdown.
Today is brighter.
My Metallica page is started and available here: Metallica Weekend
For those of you finding and reading my content, yesterday is a bit of a warning. I will, on occasion, freak out and be public in my freaking out.
At least you know this writing is mine, from a real person, and not AI generated.
Anyhow, I'm still no closer to a solid, viable method for learning CSS. I read a bit of the MDN documentation on it this morning, which I've read before but always found borderline helpful. I think the core of my issue is I want one resource to tell me how to lay out a page, in a clear and unambiguous way. Not sure that makes any sense.
I just want the answer.
To add extra flavour, in my mind people are judging me as weak for not immediately having the answer.
This is something I've struggled with my whole life...I just...want..the answer. Oftentimes, my brain is unable to figure out what it needs to do to get to the answer, it's like there's missing bits or something. How can I train my brain to enjoy the journey and not just the end result?
Anyways, onwards and upwards. This writing is my way of therapy. Apologies for the rant yesterday and I thank you for reading my trials and tribulations.